The Letterheads - Make It Better With A Letter!

About Us

"The Letterheads"  are brought to you by three fathers
who believe that education is important. They also believe
that learning should be an enjoyable experience and one
that can be enthusiastically shared between
an adult and
a child. 

Here are a few words from our creators:

We are passionate about our mission


"To increase the quality and effectiveness of education
by making the process more fun and interactive!"  

We have introduced a line of fun and exciting characters that will have a place in the hearts and minds of children as they learn for years to come. We hope our characters will assist young children in learning the alphabet and familiarize them with the process of manipulating letters to form words.       We believe that the earlier in life that children are exposed to characters and patterns of characters that form words, the better chance they will have for a successful academic career.  And if this can be done in a fun and stimulating manner, it will be a positive experience for each child and contribute to a stronger foundation in education.

We are motivated to do our part to improve and enhance learning wherever we can and we are committed to that end!  
Our engaging characters will help to keep the word "Fun"  in the learning process and posture our children for greater success!

We're in the early stages of our journey but we hope you will join with us as we embark on a marvelous adventure through "T
he Letterheads Playground."  I promise you, the results will be extraordinary  and  you may even find 
yourself smiling......

Thanks for stopping by and thanks in advance for your help with our mission.

Charles Jones - Co-founder and Director of Operations


"The smile on my daughter's face when she first saw these characters was priceless!"

I'm a creative guy at heart so it's been wonderful building this idea, producing these characters, and seeing the results.  

Wouldn't it be great if we could replicate the joy that I saw in my daughter in all the children around the globe?

We're dedicated to branching out in different areas and introducing 
"The Letterheads"
 to different mediums so that we can realize that vision and continue to add fun to the learning process.  We'll be targeting animation, 
television shorts, and clothing items, in the very near future so watch for our characters there.  We want "The Letterheads" to be familiar items in every 
household and we want every child believing that they can truly "Make it better with a letter."  We'll be exploring unique and creative ways to make this happen.    

I hope you'll be with us!

Dan Arnold - Co-founder and Creative Director


When Dan and Charles first approached me with this idea, I could feel the little kid in me come to life.  As the father of a very young daughter, I was eager to explore this idea and couldn't wait to help them illustrate the characters and themes.  Fortunately, I've been able to draw upon my many years of training and experience in 
the industry to help produce some fun characters with enticing personalities.  I initially chose a retro theme and that seemed to resonate with Dan and Charles and it's stuck.  I'm really looking forward to bringing these characters to life with animation.  I know there's a 
Letterhead character out there for everyone!  I hope that you and the children in your life will have lots of fun and exciting adventures with "The Letterheads

Enjoy the ride!

John Ramirez - Art Director